What Makes a Record Label Successful?

Asking this big question to a handful of indie reocrd labels

Recently, I asked some record label owners what they thought were some of the common denominators of successful record labels.

Let me summarize a few of their answers, and we’ll see how we can apply this advice to our own record labels¦

Beggar's Group

Be super involved with your releases. Release things you love. No one will be able to promote these records better than you!

Beth Shalom Records

Being able to scale and sustain your authentic indie identity as your label grows. Continuing to do what you did on a small scale but just for a bigger audience. Staying true to your origins and your original intent.

Kelefa Sanneh author of “Major Labels”

Record labels are unique in that they are first to identify great music. A great record label is often the first people to champion a new artist or a new sound. This fact is something we should be proud of, and something we should continue to do!

Moderna Records

Creating a beautiful musical universe for people to discover. Creating a scene and a community for like-minded music fans. This is the ultimate goal of a great record label, to focus on the culture of the music.

Minaret Records

“Be close to failure!” Not everything you release will resonate with an audience. Success comes and goes, or perhaps remains evasive for a long period of time. Their approach as a label focuses on critical self-assessment and pushing creative boundaries.

Refresh Records

“Record labels are nothing without their artists.” A great record label is one that supports artists and facilitates their needs.

Kiam Records

“You just have to care” you have to know the why behind your record label. You have to be in it for the right reasons. We should treat this job as if it were a religion, releasing music and taking care of artists with a strong conviction!

how to run a record label

This exercise reinforces that there is no single blueprint for success in the indie record label world.

Instead, it is a tapestry of dedication, growth, cultural impact, resilience, and artist-centric approaches that together weave the fabric of a successful label.


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Free Record Label Toolkit

Resources and tools to help you quickly and creatively launch your new label…

record label toolkit

Helpful Articles for Record Labels

How to Make a Business Plan

Record Contract Template

How to Start a Record Label

Branding & Album Artwork

Releasing Music on Vinyl

Music Publishing for Labels

How to Make Cassette Tapes

Bandcamp Best Practices

How to Start a Record Label: A 30 Day Guide

If you want to go a little bit deeper at your own pace, check out my new book called How to Start a Record Label: A 30 Day Guide.



The Complete A to Z of Building and Growing an Independent Record Label.



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