3 Things That Prevent Creativity
Unleashing Your Inner Creativity as an Indie Record Label Owner

Breaking Through Creative Blockers for Record Labels…
As indie record label owners, we often wear many hats – from entrepreneurs to coaches, we navigate through various roles. However, one aspect that often gets overlooked is our identity as creatives.
Creativity isn't just a luxury reserved for artists; it's an essential component of what we do. Yet, despite this realization, many of us find ourselves facing barriers that hinder our creative expression.
Let's address three prevalent creative blockers:
Social media perpetuates curated, exaggerated realities, fostering feelings of inadequacy. It's crucial to recognize that what we see online is often far from reality. Limit your exposure, unfollow unproductive accounts, and focus on creating rather than consuming.
Comparing ourselves to other record labels only breeds jealousy and self-doubt. Instead, view their success as inspiration, realizing that each journey is unique. Embrace your path and forge ahead with confidence.
Writer's block and lack of inspiration are excuses we use to delay our creative endeavors. The truth is, inspiration often follows action. Commit to doing the work, even when motivation wanes.
Engaging in busywork may create an illusion of productivity while detracting from meaningful tasks. Prioritize income-generating activities and tackle the most challenging tasks first.
Overthinking and fear of making decisions paralyze us, preventing progress. Remember that perfection is an illusion. Embrace imperfection and view mistakes as opportunities for growth.
Imposter syndrome, fueled by feelings of inadequacy, hinders our potential. Recognize that everyone experiences self-doubt and that success is subjective. Reframe your mindset and focus on your unique journey.

and catch other videos on our YouTube Channel
Books on Creativity
The Artist's Way
Julia Cameron
The Creative Curve
Allen Gannett
The Creative Act
Rick Rubin
The War of Art
Steven Pressfield

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