Streaming Best Practices
for Record Labels
How to build a Spotify strategy for your record label that gets your music heard!
Let’s talk about Spotify Playlists…
Playlists are ubiquitous and evermore evasive. Their popularity and potential profitability has remained unwavering over the past few years. However, many questions still remain for the artists and record labels who pursue these playlists. Who is in charge of curating them? Which one generates the most plays? What moods and genres are most relevant to your record label?
Playlists provide a unique connection to passive music listeners. Active fans buy physical records, attend shows, and follow our artists on social media. Whereas passive fans may not even know who they’re listening to, but they still contribute to your label's success. A record label wants — needs — passive fans just as much as active fans.
Sometimes it’s helpful to think of your label’s streaming strategy as a funnel. At the top of your funnel (the widest part) is the passive listeners you garner from playlists.
As the funnel narrows, the audience gets smaller, but connection strengthens. The narrowest point of your funnel will contain the smallest audience, but they’ll be the most highly engaged and supportive fans.
Using this visual, we can see how playlisting plays a pivotal role in bringing new listeners into your fan funnel in a frictionless, automated way.
How to succeed on Spotify.
Be attentive!
Fill out the requested fields, add a bio, new photos, and pay attention to the small things when setting up your artists on the DSPs. You never know what may help a curator (or an algorithm) choose one of your tracks!
Be organized!
Sign up for the artist portals on all of the major DSPs (Spotify, AppleMusic, Pandora) and make sure you give these platforms a substantial pre-release lead time (ideally 4-6 weeks for new singles).
Be human!
Be active on the platforms, learn about how they operate, share music with your friends in real life, promote artists who aren’t on your label, and take time to create real, up-to-date playlists.
How Record Labels Distribute Music To Streaming Services
Let’s cover the absolute basics of getting your music up on Spotify, AppleMusic, etc.
My Top Streaming Best Practices
This episode will walk you through everything you need to know about multiple revenue streams for your record labels…
The 3 most important kinds of playlists…
Here are the type of playlists where you should be putting most of your label’s attention…
Editorial Playlists
The most popular playlists are editorial playlists as they are official playlists created by the staff at the major digital distributors. In some cases (especially on Spotify), these playlists can have hundreds of thousand listeners that can translate into fairly sizeable income for the artist and their label.
For this reason, they are the most evasive and hardest to get placements.
Third-Party Playlists
A lot of popular brands will create playlists as a way to represent their company on Spotify and to project their brand’s aesthetic. Examples of these include Starbucks, Aritzia, H&M, Sonos, etc.
Additionally, a lot of music blogs like NPR, Pitchfork, UPROXX, Digster, also have their own ongoing playlists.
User-Generated Playlists
User-Generated Playlists (UGPs) are simply public playlists created by individual users. What makes these unique from third-party playlists is that they are often created as passion projects or as personal collections.
These can be created by everyday Spotify users, social media influencers, your friends, or other independent artists.
My interview with Mike Warner…
Mike is a streaming expert with Charmetric and the author of the book, “Work Hard Playlist Hard”.

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