Record Labels Take Time
Hard things take time. Great things take time. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be hard, they wouldn’t be great.
Here are 3 reasons why it’s a good thing that building a business takes time…
Time Tests Our Resolve
I know you’ve heard me talk about the “entrepreneurial seizure” before.
It’s a term from the book, “The E-Myth” which refers to that moment when we come up with an idea for a business and the excitement overtakes us and energizes us for a few days or a few weeks until it eventually wears off.
Time tests us to see if we’re still passionate after the initial glow dies down.
Time forces us to prove our commitment to the label.
Time Narrows Our Focus
Back in 2016, when my own label was 6 years old, I started getting tired with constantly promoting myself and my label’s initiatives.
So I came up with the idea to start a YouTube series filming interviews in local recording studios. I wanted to start creating content that wasn’t directly about me or my label. The series was incredibly popular and two years alter it would segue into the Other Record Labels podcast.
It took 8 years for me to find my ideal place in the music industry.
Time helps us focus on what we are most passionate about, we begin to us nest ourselves into our ideal position.
Time Breeds Consistency/Confidence
Imagine a new pizzeria opens in your neighbourhood. Before you’re comfortable recommending it to your friends, you’d want to try it out a few times or wait to hear feedback from others...
I think there’s this sub-conscious obstacle course that future fans put us through.
I think we all do this as customers — we wait to see if a business will be around for a while before we get too invested.
Time gives us the chance to prove ourselves to our fans, our artists, and industry folks like journalists, publicists, and distributors…
Grab my Free Guide to Record Labels
In this free guide, you’ll learn some valuable insights from some incredibly inspiring labels!
Listen to this week’s episode as a podcast…
A great record label will take some time to grow, and that’s okay!
Online Courses for Record Labels
How to Start a Record Label
A simplified approach to building and growing a successful indie record label!
Building Your Brand
The 4 Pillars of Record Labels
Contracts & Royalties
Marketing & Publicity
Distribution & Manufacturing
A&R (At a Glance)
Record Label Marketing Strategies
A step-by-step guide to help you build effective release campaigns from scratch!
How to Build a Release Plan from Scratch
Creating a Promo One-Sheet
Email Marketing for Labels
Making the Most of Your Releases
Branding Your Album Artwork
Spotify for Artists Walkthrough
12 Month Promotional Strategy
Record Label Decision Tool
A one-of-a-kind framework to help record labels manage their efforts and make great decisions.
Introduction to the Framework
Applying the Frame Work
Example Application
Course Materials
*Only available in the Everything Bundle