Record Label Contract
Free Template
A free, easy-to-use contract template that you can download and use with your record label.
100% free, reusable record label contract template for indie labels and artists.
We hired a music attorney who specializes in drafting music recording contracts and asked them if they would create a basic record label contract that we could share with all of you!
This legal contract covers the basics that make up a traditional record label recording contract. Feel free to use this template for your own record label. When you’re ready, you can hire your own music lawyer to help you create a more bespoke contract.

The Complete A to Z of Building and Growing an Independent Record Label.

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Record Label Marketing Strategies (Online Course)
Record Label Decision Tool (Online Course)
Profitable Record Label (Online Course)
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How to Start a Record Label (eBook)
Record Label Marketing Strategies (eBook)
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When do you need to hire a music lawyer?
In this Record Label Quick Tip, I talk about how to know when it’s the right time to hire a music attorney.
Listen to my interview with a music attorney…
This episode of the Other Record Labels podcast features an interview with music attorney, Cassandra Spangler on the legal parts of running a record label.

How to hire a music lawyer? FAQs
When should I hire a music attorney?
First off, don’t stress about the administrative things too much. Enjoy the process of starting a record label like finding music and building a brand. You can pay a lawyer for 1 or 2 hours of their time to create a reusable recording contract.
How do I find a music attorney?
We have a few trusted music attorneys in our Directory that you can check out, who are super nice and fairly priced! It’s also a good idea to ask around in the music community of your hometown!
How much does a lawyer cost?
Some music attorneys have favorable rates for indie musicians/record labels and you should be able to find a lawyer who will help you out between $175-$350 per hour.
Looking for a music attorney?
We have two recommended music attorneys in our Record Label Directory. They are friendly, affordable, and know the music industry from the perspective of an indie label…

for Record Labels
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Other Record Labels Podcast
Featuring interviews with…