How Music Fans Can
Support Artists
From purchasing merch items to leaving positive reviews, there are many ways for fans to show their support and make a meaningful impact.
As music fans, it's essential to support the artists and record labels that bring us joy and entertainment.
Not only does supporting indie musicians and record labels ensure that they can continue creating and sharing their music, but it also provides them with the financial stability needed to thrive in the industry.
1. Retweet and Share Artists’ Posts
Retweeting or sharing an artist's social media post can help the artist by increasing their visibility and reach to new audiences, potentially leading to more exposure and opportunities for the artist. For a lot of artists, social media can feel like yelling into a void, having someone respond can help the artist know that they are being heard, and appreciated!
2. Add an artist’s songs to your Spotify playlists
Adding an artist's songs to a personal Spotify playlist increases their streams, which is beneficial to both the artist and their label as it boosts the artist's popularity, generates revenue through royalties, and can lead to increased opportunities for the artist. Not only that, but this small act can also contribute to the overall algorithm, increasing the artist’s chances of getting a bigger playlist placement!
3. Group texts and DMs with the artist
Artists should (occasionally) send a group dm or text to a large group of friends and family members asking them to publicly share the details of their new album. I’ve seen this tactic create a flood of organic posts about a particular album or single. It’s hard to ask your friends for favours, but this simple act can have an extremely far reach.
4. Purchase high-margin items
When a music fan purchases a merch item with a high profit margin, it directly benefits the artist and their label by providing a significant source of revenue, allowing them to invest in their future projects and promote their music more effectively. Buying things at shows, or digital downloads on Bandcamp give a larger proceed of the money to the artists over things like streaming or Amazon, etc.
5. Advocate for the artist
A music fan can advocate on behalf of their favorite artist(s) by asking their local record store to carry the album (or record label catalog), writing positive reviews, and contacting radio stations, streaming services, and music industry influencers to request more exposure for the artist.
6. Donate or Overpay
It’s incredibly generous when a fan donates or overpays for purchases on Bandcamp to support their favorite artists and their label, as it helps provide a stable source of income, enabling them to continue creating and sharing their music, and allowing the artists to make a living from their craft. You can also use the donate feature on some artists Spotify profiles to send them a donation (Spotify doesn’t take a cut).
7. Purchase exclusive, limited items from the artist
Artists and record labels should make unique, exclusive products available to their superfans. This can include things like individual test pressings, handwritten lyrics, or merch prototypes. You can also sell one-off digital products like offering rare demos for a higher price to only one or two fans.
8. Send an encouraging DM
Sending a direct message or email with words of encouragement to a favorite artist is helpful and encouraging as it shows support and appreciation for their work, helps boost their morale, and can help them continue creating new music. It only takes a second, and it has a huge impact!
9. Talk about the artists on social media
Talking about a favorite artist or record label on personal social media is helpful, encouraging, and profitable as it increases the artist's visibility and reach, potentially attracting new fans, generating revenue through increased streams, merchandise sales, and concert tickets, and helping the artist establish a more loyal fan base.
10. Leave a positive review or comment online
Leaving a positive review on YouTube or iTunes helps an artist or record label by increasing their visibility and credibility, influencing potential fans and industry professionals to check out their music, and providing valuable feedback that can help shape the artist's future work.


Here are five simple ways artists and labels can help fans help you!
1. Ask for support.
Sometimes the simple act of asking the public to do something is all it takes for them to take action.
Fans need an invitation, they need clear direction.
Ask them for something specific. (Follow X artist on Spotify, pre-order this vinyl, donate $5 to our fundraising campaign).
2. Remind them you exist.
You might be thinking about the sustainability of your record label 24hrs a day. But the rest of us aren’t...
Show up consistently in their social media feed or in their inbox.
In my opinion, there’s no better way to do this than via a monthly newsletter.
3. Tell them where support matters most.
Do you know where your record label gets its greatest ROI (return on investment)?
Is it selling vinyl at shows? Is it digital albums on Bandcamp? When a fan follows an artist on Spotify? When someone joins your Patreon?
Identify what this is for your record label, and then promote the heck out of that one thing!
4. Offer unique items, not just the norm.
Lately I’ve been experimenting with selling one-off exclusive items on Bandcamp Friday. This includes things like test pressings, artwork proofs, merch samples, and unique digital downloads.
Look for ways you can provide your superfans with an exclusive, limited item. There will always be one fan who wants to buy something unique!
5. Provide value.
When someone supports you out of guilt, it isn’t sustainable!
I buy tapes and records from my favorite artists/labels out of selfish reasons... I like the way they look on my shelf, they’re cool cultural artifacts.
Learn how to get your fans to support you out of selfish gain, that will have a more long-term impact on the sustainability of your recordlabel!

Simple strategies that will help you
earn a living telling people about great music!
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