Interview with OFFAIR Records

Join me as I explore how OFFAIR cultivates an intimate, memorable experience for both artists and fans through unique live shows, and their mission to showcase music that goes beyond the familiar sonic territories. This podcast episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to discover the power of intentional listening and the art of music curation.

Bringing background music into the foreground with OFFAIR Records

In this episode, we're excited to feature a conversation with the team behind OFFAIR Records, a label dedicated to bringing background music to the foreground and creating intentional soundtracks for environments and mental spaces. As they put it, "instead of music getting stuck in your head, we want your head to get lost in the music."

Some of the takeaways from today's interview include how to get your fans to go “offline”; bringing background music into the foreground, and the mainstream future of ambient/instrumental music.


Listen to older episodes of our podcast, check out our free resources for independent record labels, or learn how to start your own record label.

Thanks to Rishi and Nate
for coming on the podcast to chat!


Record Label Resources.


Record Label Apparel.


Interview with Full Plate


Interview with Heart Dance Records