Album Release Post-Mortem

I want to talk about the things we should do after every release campaign comes to an end. (*Spoiler: Tip #5 will blow your mind!)

Here are the 5 things we should discuss after every album release…

1. What went right? Highlight the things your team accomplished that showed the most positive results.

2. What went wrong? What were some unfortunate things you encountered that you should look out for next time?

3. What were we missing? Was there something you wish you had in your arsenal that would have made promoting easier? Better photos? A video? More pre-release singles?

4. What can we still do? Now that the album/EP/single is out in the world, what can you still do to continue the campaign and grow its audience?

*5. The Pre-Mortem!  Have a meeting with the artist BEFORE the album campaign starts and try to proactively and preemptively address things that could go wrong…

Listen to this week’s episode on Apple Podcasts here or Spotify here or watch the video below for a more in-depth look into the subject of album release post-mortems!


A new book on how to start a record label…


Interview: Misra Records